Point & Shoot – Rim Seal Protection

The Williams Point & Shoot System includes both an air aspirating foam device designed to be installed on flammable liquid storage tanks for protection against a seal fire, as well as an optional fixed pipe to be used with a monitor and nozzle.  The air aspirating Type II discharge device is installed above the roof joint and is mounted above the highest level of the floating roof.   Foam solution is piped to the air aspirating device from outside the hazard area.   For tanks with foam dams, the maximum recommended distance between discharge outlets is 240 ft (73.2 m).

The Williams Point & Shoot System is manufactured in type 316 stainless steel.  Designed for flows up to 275 GPM (1040 L/min), a single air aspirating device delivers expanded foam solution through left, right, and against the wall discharge points.   All three discharge points direct expanded foam against the interior tank wall to minimize agitation of the burning surface.



  • Manufactured in 316 stainless steel
  • 316 stainless steel screens cover the foam maker air inlets
  • ASTM A36 carbon steel mounting board optional (raises nozzle out of tank space)
  • All Ambush System inlets are flat faced and drilled to ANSI 150 lb. standard.  Flange gaskets are provided.
  • Finished with durable red epoxy paint


Each Point & Shoot System comes complete with a flange Kit – bolts, nuts, and gasket (1 for each flanged connection)

Point and Shoot Nozzles are also available with backboard to elevate nozzle from tank interior.

Technical Information 

Point & Shoot Foam Wand Discharge Flow Rate

Pressure Flow
100 275
95 268
90 261
85 254
80 246
75 238
70 230
65 222
60 213
55 204
50 194
45 184
40 174