Rural Metro Rental Program

Firefighting or rescue vehicles

Ever needed a firefighting or rescue vehicle urgently? Ever needed to rent a firefighting or rescue vehicle only to be disappointed by the age or condition of the vehicle?
Then look no further, Rural Metro Emergency Management Services has the solution!

Rural Metro Emergency Management Services, in partnership with Advanced FST and Industrial Fire, offers a complete range of firefighting and rescue vehicles to rent. Our two-tier rental programme will suit your rental requirements and budget.

Various makes and models to rent

Rental agreements, which can include the services of a driver/operator

Qualified service technicians, who are on standby for services and repairs

Rental periods that range from 6 months to 3 years

Full maintenance leases that range from 5 to 15 years (new vehicles)

Fleet management solutions for in-service firefighting and rescue vehicles

Preventative maintenance programmes for in-service firefighting and rescue vehicles

Comprehensive driver/operator training available for all makes and models of firefighting and rescue vehicles